
class oci.database_management.DbManagementClient(config, **kwargs)

Use the Database Management API to perform tasks such as obtaining performance and resource usage metrics for a fleet of Managed Databases or a specific Managed Database, creating Managed Database Groups, and running a SQL job on a Managed Database or Managed Database Group.


__init__(config, **kwargs) Creates a new service client
add_data_files(managed_database_id, …) Adds data files or temp files to the tablespace.
add_managed_database_to_managed_database_group(…) Adds a Managed Database to a specific Managed Database Group.
addm_tasks(managed_database_id, time_start, …) Lists the metadata for each ADDM task who’s end snapshot time falls within the provided start and end time.
change_database_parameters(…) Changes database parameter values.
change_db_management_private_endpoint_compartment(…) Moves the Database Management private endpoint and its dependent resources to the specified compartment.
change_job_compartment(job_id, …) Moves a job.
change_managed_database_group_compartment(…) Moves a Managed Database Group to a different compartment.
create_db_management_private_endpoint(…) Creates a new Database Management private endpoint.
create_job(create_job_details, **kwargs) Creates a job to be executed on a Managed Database or Managed Database Group.
create_managed_database_group(…) Creates a Managed Database Group.
create_tablespace(managed_database_id, …) Creates a tablespace within the Managed Database specified by managedDatabaseId.
delete_db_management_private_endpoint(…) Deletes a specific Database Management private endpoint.
delete_job(job_id, **kwargs) Deletes the job specified by jobId.
delete_managed_database_group(…) Deletes the Managed Database Group specified by managedDatabaseGroupId.
drop_tablespace(managed_database_id, …) Drops the tablespace specified by tablespaceName within the Managed Database specified by managedDatabaseId.
generate_awr_snapshot(managed_database_id, …) Creates an AWR snapshot for the target database.
get_awr_db_report(managed_database_id, …) Gets the AWR report for the specific database.
get_awr_db_sql_report(managed_database_id, …) Gets the SQL health check report for one SQL of the specific database.
get_cluster_cache_metric(…) Gets the metrics related to cluster cache for the Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database specified by managedDatabaseId.
get_database_fleet_health_metrics(…) Gets the health metrics for a fleet of databases in a compartment or in a Managed Database Group.
get_database_home_metrics(…) Gets a summary of the activity and resource usage metrics like DB Time, CPU, User I/O, Wait, Storage, and Memory for a Managed Database.
get_db_management_private_endpoint(…) Gets the details of a specific Database Management private endpoint.
get_job(job_id, **kwargs) Gets the details for the job specified by jobId.
get_job_execution(job_execution_id, **kwargs) Gets the details for the job execution specified by jobExecutionId.
get_job_run(job_run_id, **kwargs) Gets the details for the job run specified by jobRunId.
get_managed_database(managed_database_id, …) Gets the details for the Managed Database specified by managedDatabaseId.
get_managed_database_group(…) Gets the details for the Managed Database Group specified by managedDatabaseGroupId.
get_optimizer_statistics_advisor_execution(…) Gets a comprehensive report of the Optimizer Statistics Advisor execution, which includes details of the Managed Database, findings, recommendations, rationale, and examples.
get_optimizer_statistics_advisor_execution_script(…) Gets the Oracle system-generated script for the specified Optimizer Statistics Advisor execution.
get_optimizer_statistics_collection_operation(…) Gets a detailed report of the Optimizer Statistics Collection operation for the specified Managed Database.
get_pdb_metrics(managed_database_id, …) Gets a summary of the resource usage metrics such as CPU, User I/O, and Storage for each PDB within a specific CDB.
get_tablespace(managed_database_id, …) Gets the details of the tablespace specified by tablespaceName within the Managed Database specified by managedDatabaseId.
get_user(managed_database_id, user_name, …) Gets the details of the user specified by managedDatabaseId and userName.
get_work_request(work_request_id, **kwargs) Gets the status of the work request with the given Work Request ID
implement_optimizer_statistics_advisor_recommendations(…) Asynchronously implements the findings and recommendations of the Optimizer Statistics Advisor execution.
list_asm_properties(managed_database_id, …) Gets the list of ASM properties for the specified managedDatabaseId.
list_associated_databases(…) Gets the list of databases using a specific Database Management private endpoint.
list_awr_db_snapshots(managed_database_id, …) Lists AWR snapshots for the specified database in the AWR.
list_awr_dbs(managed_database_id, **kwargs) Gets the list of databases and their snapshot summary details available in the AWR of the specified Managed Database.
list_consumer_group_privileges(…) Gets the list of consumer group privileges granted to a specific user.
list_data_access_containers(…) Gets the list of containers for a specific user.
list_database_parameters(…) Gets the list of database parameters for the specified Managed Database.
list_db_management_private_endpoints(…) Gets a list of Database Management private endpoints.
list_job_executions(compartment_id, **kwargs) Gets the job execution for a specific ID or the list of job executions for a job, job run, Managed Database or Managed Database Group in a specific compartment.
list_job_runs(compartment_id, **kwargs) Gets the job run for a specific ID or the list of job runs for a job, Managed Database or Managed Database Group in a specific compartment.
list_jobs(compartment_id, **kwargs) Gets the job for a specific ID or the list of jobs for a Managed Database or Managed Database Group in a specific compartment.
list_managed_database_groups(compartment_id, …) Gets the Managed Database Group for a specific ID or the list of Managed Database Groups in a specific compartment.
list_managed_databases(compartment_id, **kwargs) Gets the Managed Database for a specific ID or the list of Managed Databases in a specific compartment.
list_object_privileges(managed_database_id, …) Gets the list of object privileges granted to a specific user.
list_optimizer_statistics_advisor_executions(…) Lists the details of the Optimizer Statistics Advisor task executions, such as their duration, and the number of findings, if any.
list_optimizer_statistics_collection_aggregations(…) Gets a list of the optimizer statistics collection operations per hour, grouped by task or object status for the specified Managed Database.
list_optimizer_statistics_collection_operations(…) Lists the Optimizer Statistics Collection (Auto and Manual) task operation summary for the specified Managed Database.
list_proxied_for_users(managed_database_id, …) Gets the list of users on whose behalf the current user acts as proxy.
list_proxy_users(managed_database_id, …) Gets the list of proxy users for the current user.
list_roles(managed_database_id, user_name, …) Gets the list of roles granted to a specific user.
list_system_privileges(managed_database_id, …) Gets the list of system privileges granted to a specific user.
list_table_statistics(managed_database_id, …) Lists the database table statistics grouped by different statuses such as Not Stale Stats, Stale Stats, and No Stats.
list_tablespaces(managed_database_id, **kwargs) Gets the list of tablespaces for the specified managedDatabaseId.
list_users(managed_database_id, **kwargs) Gets the list of users for the specified managedDatabaseId.
list_work_request_errors(work_request_id, …) Returns a paginated list of errors for a given work request.
list_work_request_logs(work_request_id, **kwargs) Returns a paginated list of logs for a given work request.
list_work_requests(compartment_id, **kwargs) The list of work requests in a specific compartment was retrieved successfully.
remove_data_file(managed_database_id, …) Removes a data file or temp file from the tablespace.
remove_managed_database_from_managed_database_group(…) Removes a Managed Database from a Managed Database Group.
reset_database_parameters(…) Resets database parameter values to their default or startup values.
resize_data_file(managed_database_id, …) Resizes a data file or temp file within the tablespace.
run_historic_addm(managed_database_id, …) Creates and executes a historic ADDM task using the specified AWR snapshot IDs.
summarize_awr_db_cpu_usages(…) Summarizes the AWR CPU resource limits and metrics for the specified database in AWR.
summarize_awr_db_metrics(…) Summarizes the metric samples for the specified database in the AWR.
summarize_awr_db_parameter_changes(…) Summarizes the database parameter change history for one database parameter of the specified database in AWR.
summarize_awr_db_parameters(…) Summarizes the database parameter history for the specified database in AWR.
summarize_awr_db_snapshot_ranges(…) Summarizes the AWR snapshot ranges that contain continuous snapshots, for the specified Managed Database.
summarize_awr_db_sysstats(…) Summarizes the AWR SYSSTAT sample data for the specified database in AWR.
summarize_awr_db_top_wait_events(…) Summarizes the AWR top wait events.
summarize_awr_db_wait_event_buckets(…) Summarizes AWR wait event data into value buckets and frequency, for the specified database in the AWR.
summarize_awr_db_wait_events(…) Summarizes the AWR wait event sample data for the specified database in the AWR.
summarize_job_executions_statuses(…) Gets the number of job executions grouped by status for a job, Managed Database, or Database Group in a specific compartment.
update_db_management_private_endpoint(…) Updates one or more attributes of a specific Database Management private endpoint.
update_job(job_id, update_job_details, **kwargs) Updates the details for the recurring scheduled job specified by jobId.
update_managed_database_group(…) Updates the Managed Database Group specified by managedDatabaseGroupId.
update_tablespace(managed_database_id, …) Updates the attributes of the tablespace specified by tablespaceName within the Managed Database specified by managedDatabaseId.
__init__(config, **kwargs)

Creates a new service client

  • config (dict) – Configuration keys and values as per SDK and Tool Configuration. The from_file() method can be used to load configuration from a file. Alternatively, a dict can be passed. You can validate_config the dict using validate_config()
  • service_endpoint (str) – (optional) The endpoint of the service to call using this client. For example https://iaas.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com. If this keyword argument is not provided then it will be derived using the region in the config parameter. You should only provide this keyword argument if you have an explicit need to specify a service endpoint.
  • timeout (float or tuple(float, float)) – (optional) The connection and read timeouts for the client. The default values are connection timeout 10 seconds and read timeout 60 seconds. This keyword argument can be provided as a single float, in which case the value provided is used for both the read and connection timeouts, or as a tuple of two floats. If a tuple is provided then the first value is used as the connection timeout and the second value as the read timeout.
  • signer (AbstractBaseSigner) –

    (optional) The signer to use when signing requests made by the service client. The default is to use a Signer based on the values provided in the config parameter.

    One use case for this parameter is for Instance Principals authentication by passing an instance of InstancePrincipalsSecurityTokenSigner as the value for this keyword argument

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to all calls made by this service client (i.e. at the client level). There is no retry strategy applied by default. Retry strategies can also be applied at the operation level by passing a retry_strategy keyword argument as part of calling the operation. Any value provided at the operation level will override whatever is specified at the client level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. A convenience DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY is also available. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

  • circuit_breaker_strategy (obj) – (optional) A circuit breaker strategy to apply to all calls made by this service client (i.e. at the client level). This client uses DEFAULT_CIRCUIT_BREAKER_STRATEGY as default if no circuit breaker strategy is provided. The specifics of circuit breaker strategy are described here.
  • circuit_breaker_callback (function) – (optional) Callback function to receive any exceptions triggerred by the circuit breaker.
  • allow_control_chars – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this client should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the client will not allow control characters to be in the response object.
add_data_files(managed_database_id, tablespace_name, add_data_files_details, **kwargs)

Adds data files or temp files to the tablespace.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • tablespace_name (str) – (required) The name of the tablespace.
  • add_data_files_details (oci.database_management.models.AddDataFilesDetails) – (required) The details required to add data files or temp files to the tablespace.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type TablespaceAdminStatus

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use add_data_files API.

add_managed_database_to_managed_database_group(managed_database_group_id, add_managed_database_to_managed_database_group_details, **kwargs)

Adds a Managed Database to a specific Managed Database Group. After the database is added, it will be included in the management activities performed on the Managed Database Group.

  • managed_database_group_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database Group.

  • add_managed_database_to_managed_database_group_details (oci.database_management.models.AddManagedDatabaseToManagedDatabaseGroupDetails) – (required) The Managed Database details required to add the Managed Database to a Managed Database Group.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use add_managed_database_to_managed_database_group API.

addm_tasks(managed_database_id, time_start, time_end, **kwargs)

Lists the metadata for each ADDM task who’s end snapshot time falls within the provided start and end time. Details include the name of the ADDM task, description, user, status and creation date time.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • time_start (datetime) – (required) The beginning of the time range to search for ADDM tasks as defined by date-time RFC3339 format.
  • time_end (datetime) – (required) The end of the time range to search for ADDM tasks as defined by date-time RFC3339 format.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique identifier for the request.
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort the list of ADDM tasks.


  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Descending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type AddmTasksCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use addm_tasks API.

change_database_parameters(managed_database_id, change_database_parameters_details, **kwargs)

Changes database parameter values. There are two kinds of database parameters:

  • Dynamic parameters: They can be changed for the current Oracle

Database instance. The changes take effect immediately. - Static parameters: They cannot be changed for the current instance. You must change these parameters and then restart the database before changes take effect.

Note: If the instance is started using a text initialization parameter file, the parameter changes are applicable only for the current instance. You must update them manually to be passed to a future instance.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • change_database_parameters_details (oci.database_management.models.ChangeDatabaseParametersDetails) – (required) The details required to change database parameter values.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type UpdateDatabaseParametersResult

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use change_database_parameters API.

change_db_management_private_endpoint_compartment(db_management_private_endpoint_id, change_db_management_private_endpoint_compartment_details, **kwargs)

Moves the Database Management private endpoint and its dependent resources to the specified compartment.

  • db_management_private_endpoint_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Database Management private endpoint.

  • change_db_management_private_endpoint_compartment_details (oci.database_management.models.ChangeDbManagementPrivateEndpointCompartmentDetails) – (required) The details used to move the Database Management private endpoint to another compartment.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use change_db_management_private_endpoint_compartment API.

change_job_compartment(job_id, change_job_compartment_details, **kwargs)

Moves a job.

  • job_id (str) – (required) The identifier of the job.
  • change_job_compartment_details (oci.database_management.models.ChangeJobCompartmentDetails) –

    (required) The OCID of the compartment to move the job to.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use change_job_compartment API.

change_managed_database_group_compartment(managed_database_group_id, change_managed_database_group_compartment_details, **kwargs)

Moves a Managed Database Group to a different compartment. The destination compartment must not have a Managed Database Group with the same name.

  • managed_database_group_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database Group.

  • change_managed_database_group_compartment_details (oci.database_management.models.ChangeManagedDatabaseGroupCompartmentDetails) –

    (required) The OCID of the compartment to move the Managed Database Group to.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use change_managed_database_group_compartment API.

create_db_management_private_endpoint(create_db_management_private_endpoint_details, **kwargs)

Creates a new Database Management private endpoint.

  • create_db_management_private_endpoint_details (oci.database_management.models.CreateDbManagementPrivateEndpointDetails) – (required) Details used to create a new Database Management private endpoint.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type DbManagementPrivateEndpoint

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_db_management_private_endpoint API.

create_job(create_job_details, **kwargs)

Creates a job to be executed on a Managed Database or Managed Database Group. Only one of the parameters, managedDatabaseId or managedDatabaseGroupId should be provided as input in CreateJobDetails resource in request body.

  • create_job_details (oci.database_management.models.CreateJobDetails) – (required) The details required to create a job.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Job

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_job API.

create_managed_database_group(create_managed_database_group_details, **kwargs)

Creates a Managed Database Group. The group does not contain any Managed Databases when it is created, and they must be added later.

  • create_managed_database_group_details (oci.database_management.models.CreateManagedDatabaseGroupDetails) – (required) The details required to create a Managed Database Group.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type ManagedDatabaseGroup

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_managed_database_group API.

create_tablespace(managed_database_id, create_tablespace_details, **kwargs)

Creates a tablespace within the Managed Database specified by managedDatabaseId.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • create_tablespace_details (oci.database_management.models.CreateTablespaceDetails) – (required) The details required to create a tablespace.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Tablespace

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_tablespace API.

delete_db_management_private_endpoint(db_management_private_endpoint_id, **kwargs)

Deletes a specific Database Management private endpoint.

  • db_management_private_endpoint_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Database Management private endpoint.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use delete_db_management_private_endpoint API.

delete_job(job_id, **kwargs)

Deletes the job specified by jobId.

  • job_id (str) – (required) The identifier of the job.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use delete_job API.

delete_managed_database_group(managed_database_group_id, **kwargs)

Deletes the Managed Database Group specified by managedDatabaseGroupId. If the group contains Managed Databases, then it cannot be deleted.

  • managed_database_group_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database Group.

  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use delete_managed_database_group API.

drop_tablespace(managed_database_id, tablespace_name, drop_tablespace_details, **kwargs)

Drops the tablespace specified by tablespaceName within the Managed Database specified by managedDatabaseId.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • tablespace_name (str) – (required) The name of the tablespace.
  • drop_tablespace_details (oci.database_management.models.DropTablespaceDetails) – (required) The details required to drop a tablespace.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type TablespaceAdminStatus

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use drop_tablespace API.

generate_awr_snapshot(managed_database_id, **kwargs)

Creates an AWR snapshot for the target database.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique identifier for the request.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type SnapshotDetails

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use generate_awr_snapshot API.

get_awr_db_report(managed_database_id, awr_db_id, **kwargs)

Gets the AWR report for the specific database.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • awr_db_id (str) – (required) The parameter to filter the database by internal ID. Note that the internal ID of the database can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs
  • inst_nums (list[int]) – (optional) The optional multiple value query parameter to filter the database instance numbers.
  • begin_sn_id_greater_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot ID.
  • end_sn_id_less_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the snapshot ID.
  • time_greater_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • time_less_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • report_type (str) –

    (optional) The query parameter to filter the AWR report types.

    Allowed values are: “AWR”, “ASH”

  • container_id (int) – (optional) The optional query parameter to filter the database container by an exact ID value. Note that the database container ID can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges
  • report_format (str) –

    (optional) The format of the AWR report.

    Allowed values are: “HTML”, “TEXT”

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type AwrDbReport

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_awr_db_report API.

get_awr_db_sql_report(managed_database_id, awr_db_id, sql_id, **kwargs)

Gets the SQL health check report for one SQL of the specific database.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • awr_db_id (str) – (required) The parameter to filter the database by internal ID. Note that the internal ID of the database can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs
  • sql_id (str) – (required) The parameter to filter SQL by ID. Note that the SQL ID is generated internally by Oracle for each SQL statement and can be retrieved from AWR Report API (/managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs/{awrDbId}/awrDbReport) or Performance Hub API (/internal/managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/actions/retrievePerformanceData)
  • inst_num (str) – (optional) The optional single value query parameter to filter the database instance number.
  • begin_sn_id_greater_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot ID.
  • end_sn_id_less_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the snapshot ID.
  • time_greater_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • time_less_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • report_format (str) –

    (optional) The format of the AWR report.

    Allowed values are: “HTML”, “TEXT”

  • container_id (int) – (optional) The optional query parameter to filter the database container by an exact ID value. Note that the database container ID can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type AwrDbSqlReport

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_awr_db_sql_report API.

get_cluster_cache_metric(managed_database_id, start_time, end_time, **kwargs)

Gets the metrics related to cluster cache for the Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database specified by managedDatabaseId.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • start_time (str) – (required) The start time of the time range to retrieve the health metrics of a Managed Database in UTC in ISO-8601 format, which is “yyyy-MM-dd’T’hh:mm:ss.sss’Z’”.
  • end_time (str) – (required) The end time of the time range to retrieve the health metrics of a Managed Database in UTC in ISO-8601 format, which is “yyyy-MM-dd’T’hh:mm:ss.sss’Z’”.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type ClusterCacheMetric

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_cluster_cache_metric API.

get_database_fleet_health_metrics(compare_baseline_time, compare_target_time, **kwargs)

Gets the health metrics for a fleet of databases in a compartment or in a Managed Database Group. Either the CompartmentId or the ManagedDatabaseGroupId query parameters must be provided to retrieve the health metrics.

  • compare_baseline_time (str) – (required) The baseline time for metrics comparison.
  • compare_target_time (str) – (required) The target time for metrics comparison.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • managed_database_group_id (str) –

    (optional) The OCID of the Managed Database Group.

  • compartment_id (str) –

    (optional) The OCID of the compartment.

  • compare_type (str) –

    (optional) The time window used for metrics comparison.

    Allowed values are: “HOUR”, “DAY”, “WEEK”

  • filter_by_metric_names (str) – (optional) The filter used to retrieve a specific set of metrics by passing the desired metric names with a comma separator. Note that, by default, the service returns all supported metrics.
  • filter_by_database_type (str) – (optional) The filter used to filter the databases in the fleet by a specific Oracle Database type.
  • filter_by_database_sub_type (str) – (optional) The filter used to filter the databases in the fleet by a specific Oracle Database subtype.
  • filter_by_database_deployment_type (str) – (optional) The filter used to filter the databases in the fleet by a specific Oracle Database deployment type.
  • filter_by_database_version (str) – (optional) The filter used to filter the databases in the fleet by a specific Oracle Database version.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type DatabaseFleetHealthMetrics

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_database_fleet_health_metrics API.

get_database_home_metrics(managed_database_id, start_time, end_time, **kwargs)

Gets a summary of the activity and resource usage metrics like DB Time, CPU, User I/O, Wait, Storage, and Memory for a Managed Database.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • start_time (str) – (required) The start time of the time range to retrieve the health metrics of a Managed Database in UTC in ISO-8601 format, which is “yyyy-MM-dd’T’hh:mm:ss.sss’Z’”.
  • end_time (str) – (required) The end time of the time range to retrieve the health metrics of a Managed Database in UTC in ISO-8601 format, which is “yyyy-MM-dd’T’hh:mm:ss.sss’Z’”.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type DatabaseHomeMetrics

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_database_home_metrics API.

get_db_management_private_endpoint(db_management_private_endpoint_id, **kwargs)

Gets the details of a specific Database Management private endpoint.

  • db_management_private_endpoint_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Database Management private endpoint.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type DbManagementPrivateEndpoint

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_db_management_private_endpoint API.

get_job(job_id, **kwargs)

Gets the details for the job specified by jobId.

  • job_id (str) – (required) The identifier of the job.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Job

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_job API.

get_job_execution(job_execution_id, **kwargs)

Gets the details for the job execution specified by jobExecutionId.

  • job_execution_id (str) – (required) The identifier of the job execution.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type JobExecution

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_job_execution API.

get_job_run(job_run_id, **kwargs)

Gets the details for the job run specified by jobRunId.

  • job_run_id (str) – (required) The identifier of the job run.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type JobRun

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_job_run API.

get_managed_database(managed_database_id, **kwargs)

Gets the details for the Managed Database specified by managedDatabaseId.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type ManagedDatabase

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_managed_database API.

get_managed_database_group(managed_database_group_id, **kwargs)

Gets the details for the Managed Database Group specified by managedDatabaseGroupId.

  • managed_database_group_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database Group.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type ManagedDatabaseGroup

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_managed_database_group API.

get_optimizer_statistics_advisor_execution(managed_database_id, execution_name, task_name, **kwargs)

Gets a comprehensive report of the Optimizer Statistics Advisor execution, which includes details of the Managed Database, findings, recommendations, rationale, and examples.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • execution_name (str) – (required) The name of the Optimizer Statistics Advisor execution.
  • task_name (str) – (required) The name of the optimizer statistics collection execution task.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type OptimizerStatisticsAdvisorExecution

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_optimizer_statistics_advisor_execution API.

get_optimizer_statistics_advisor_execution_script(managed_database_id, execution_name, task_name, **kwargs)

Gets the Oracle system-generated script for the specified Optimizer Statistics Advisor execution.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • execution_name (str) – (required) The name of the Optimizer Statistics Advisor execution.
  • task_name (str) – (required) The name of the optimizer statistics collection execution task.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type OptimizerStatisticsAdvisorExecutionScript

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_optimizer_statistics_advisor_execution_script API.

get_optimizer_statistics_collection_operation(managed_database_id, optimizer_statistics_collection_operation_id, **kwargs)

Gets a detailed report of the Optimizer Statistics Collection operation for the specified Managed Database.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • optimizer_statistics_collection_operation_id (float) – (required) The ID of the Optimizer Statistics Collection operation.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type OptimizerStatisticsCollectionOperation

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_optimizer_statistics_collection_operation API.

get_pdb_metrics(managed_database_id, start_time, end_time, **kwargs)

Gets a summary of the resource usage metrics such as CPU, User I/O, and Storage for each PDB within a specific CDB. If comparmentId is specified, then the metrics for each PDB (within the CDB) in the specified compartment are retrieved. If compartmentId is not specified, then the metrics for all the PDBs within the CDB are retrieved.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • start_time (str) – (required) The start time of the time range to retrieve the health metrics of a Managed Database in UTC in ISO-8601 format, which is “yyyy-MM-dd’T’hh:mm:ss.sss’Z’”.
  • end_time (str) – (required) The end time of the time range to retrieve the health metrics of a Managed Database in UTC in ISO-8601 format, which is “yyyy-MM-dd’T’hh:mm:ss.sss’Z’”.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • compartment_id (str) –

    (optional) The OCID of the compartment.

  • compare_type (str) –

    (optional) The time window used for metrics comparison.

    Allowed values are: “HOUR”, “DAY”, “WEEK”

  • filter_by_metric_names (str) – (optional) The filter used to retrieve a specific set of metrics by passing the desired metric names with a comma separator. Note that, by default, the service returns all supported metrics.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type PdbMetrics

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_pdb_metrics API.

get_tablespace(managed_database_id, tablespace_name, **kwargs)

Gets the details of the tablespace specified by tablespaceName within the Managed Database specified by managedDatabaseId.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • tablespace_name (str) – (required) The name of the tablespace.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Tablespace

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_tablespace API.

get_user(managed_database_id, user_name, **kwargs)

Gets the details of the user specified by managedDatabaseId and userName.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • user_name (str) – (required) The name of the user whose details are to be viewed.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type User

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_user API.

get_work_request(work_request_id, **kwargs)

Gets the status of the work request with the given Work Request ID

  • work_request_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the asynchronous work request.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type WorkRequest

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_work_request API.

implement_optimizer_statistics_advisor_recommendations(managed_database_id, execution_name, implement_optimizer_statistics_advisor_recommendations_details, **kwargs)

Asynchronously implements the findings and recommendations of the Optimizer Statistics Advisor execution.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • execution_name (str) – (required) The name of the Optimizer Statistics Advisor execution.
  • implement_optimizer_statistics_advisor_recommendations_details (oci.database_management.models.ImplementOptimizerStatisticsAdvisorRecommendationsDetails) – (required) The Optimizer Statistics Advisor recommendations implementation request.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Job

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use implement_optimizer_statistics_advisor_recommendations API.

list_asm_properties(managed_database_id, **kwargs)

Gets the list of ASM properties for the specified managedDatabaseId.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • name (str) – (optional) A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘TIMECREATED’ is descending and the default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

    Allowed values are: “TIMECREATED”, “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type AsmPropertyCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_asm_properties API.

list_associated_databases(db_management_private_endpoint_id, compartment_id, **kwargs)

Gets the list of databases using a specific Database Management private endpoint.

  • db_management_private_endpoint_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Database Management private endpoint.

  • compartment_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the compartment.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort databases using a specific Database Management private endpoint.

    Allowed values are: “timeRegistered”

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type AssociatedDatabaseCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_associated_databases API.

list_awr_db_snapshots(managed_database_id, awr_db_id, **kwargs)

Lists AWR snapshots for the specified database in the AWR.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • awr_db_id (str) – (required) The parameter to filter the database by internal ID. Note that the internal ID of the database can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs
  • inst_num (str) – (optional) The optional single value query parameter to filter the database instance number.
  • begin_sn_id_greater_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot ID.
  • end_sn_id_less_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the snapshot ID.
  • time_greater_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • time_less_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • container_id (int) – (optional) The optional query parameter to filter the database container by an exact ID value. Note that the database container ID can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort the AWR snapshot summary data.

    Allowed values are: “TIME_BEGIN”, “SNAPSHOT_ID”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Descending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type AwrDbSnapshotCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_awr_db_snapshots API.

list_awr_dbs(managed_database_id, **kwargs)

Gets the list of databases and their snapshot summary details available in the AWR of the specified Managed Database.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • name (str) – (optional) The optional single value query parameter to filter the entity name.
  • time_greater_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • time_less_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort the AWR summary data.

    Allowed values are: “END_INTERVAL_TIME”, “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Descending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type AwrDbCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_awr_dbs API.

list_consumer_group_privileges(managed_database_id, user_name, **kwargs)

Gets the list of consumer group privileges granted to a specific user.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • user_name (str) – (required) The name of the user whose details are to be viewed.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • name (str) – (optional) A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

    Allowed values are: “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type ConsumerGroupPrivilegeCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_consumer_group_privileges API.

list_data_access_containers(managed_database_id, user_name, **kwargs)

Gets the list of containers for a specific user. This is only applicable if ALL_CONTAINERS !=’Y’.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • user_name (str) – (required) The name of the user whose details are to be viewed.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • name (str) – (optional) A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

    Allowed values are: “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type DataAccessContainerCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_data_access_containers API.

list_database_parameters(managed_database_id, **kwargs)

Gets the list of database parameters for the specified Managed Database. The parameters are listed in alphabetical order, along with their current values.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • source (str) –

    (optional) The source used to list database parameters. CURRENT is used to get the database parameters that are currently in effect for the database instance. SPFILE is used to list parameters from the server parameter file. Default is CURRENT.

    Allowed values are: “CURRENT”, “SPFILE”

  • name (str) – (optional) A filter to return all parameters that have the text given in their names.
  • is_allowed_values_included (bool) – (optional) When true, results include a list of valid values for parameters (if applicable).
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for NAME is ascending and it is case-sensitive.

    Allowed values are: “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type DatabaseParametersCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_database_parameters API.

list_db_management_private_endpoints(compartment_id, **kwargs)

Gets a list of Database Management private endpoints.

  • compartment_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the compartment.

  • name (str) – (optional) A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.
  • vcn_id (str) –

    (optional) The OCID of the VCN.

  • is_cluster (bool) – (optional) The option to filter Database Management private endpoints that can used for Oracle Databases in a cluster. This should be used along with the vcnId query parameter.
  • lifecycle_state (str) –

    (optional) The lifecycle state of a resource.

    Allowed values are: “CREATING”, “UPDATING”, “ACTIVE”, “DELETING”, “DELETED”, “FAILED”

  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘TIMECREATED’ is descending and the default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

    Allowed values are: “TIMECREATED”, “NAME”

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type DbManagementPrivateEndpointCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_db_management_private_endpoints API.

list_job_executions(compartment_id, **kwargs)

Gets the job execution for a specific ID or the list of job executions for a job, job run, Managed Database or Managed Database Group in a specific compartment. Only one of the parameters, ID, jobId, jobRunId, managedDatabaseId or managedDatabaseGroupId should be provided. If none of these parameters is provided, all the job executions in the compartment are listed. Job executions can also be filtered based on the name and status parameters.

  • compartment_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the compartment.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • id (str) – (optional) The identifier of the resource.
  • job_id (str) – (optional) The identifier of the job.
  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (optional) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • managed_database_group_id (str) –

    (optional) The OCID of the Managed Database Group.

  • status (str) – (optional) The status of the job execution.
  • name (str) – (optional) A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘TIMECREATED’ is descending and the default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

    Allowed values are: “TIMECREATED”, “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • job_run_id (str) – (optional) The identifier of the job run.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type JobExecutionCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_job_executions API.

list_job_runs(compartment_id, **kwargs)

Gets the job run for a specific ID or the list of job runs for a job, Managed Database or Managed Database Group in a specific compartment. Only one of the parameters, ID, jobId, managedDatabaseId, or managedDatabaseGroupId should be provided. If none of these parameters is provided, all the job runs in the compartment are listed. Job runs can also be filtered based on name and runStatus parameters.

  • compartment_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the compartment.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • id (str) – (optional) The identifier of the resource.
  • job_id (str) – (optional) The identifier of the job.
  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (optional) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • managed_database_group_id (str) –

    (optional) The OCID of the Managed Database Group.

  • run_status (str) – (optional) The status of the job run.
  • name (str) – (optional) A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘TIMECREATED’ is descending and the default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

    Allowed values are: “TIMECREATED”, “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type JobRunCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_job_runs API.

list_jobs(compartment_id, **kwargs)

Gets the job for a specific ID or the list of jobs for a Managed Database or Managed Database Group in a specific compartment. Only one of the parameters, ID, managedDatabaseId or managedDatabaseGroupId, should be provided. If none of these parameters is provided, all the jobs in the compartment are listed. Jobs can also be filtered based on the name and lifecycleState parameters.

  • compartment_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the compartment.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • id (str) – (optional) The identifier of the resource.
  • managed_database_group_id (str) –

    (optional) The OCID of the Managed Database Group.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (optional) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • name (str) – (optional) A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.
  • lifecycle_state (str) –

    (optional) The lifecycle state of the job.

    Allowed values are: “ACTIVE”, “INACTIVE”

  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘TIMECREATED’ is descending and the default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

    Allowed values are: “TIMECREATED”, “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type JobCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_jobs API.

list_managed_database_groups(compartment_id, **kwargs)

Gets the Managed Database Group for a specific ID or the list of Managed Database Groups in a specific compartment. Managed Database Groups can also be filtered based on the name parameter. Only one of the parameters, ID or name should be provided. If none of these parameters is provided, all the Managed Database Groups in the compartment are listed.

  • compartment_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the compartment.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • id (str) – (optional) The identifier of the resource.
  • name (str) – (optional) A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.
  • lifecycle_state (str) –

    (optional) The lifecycle state of a resource.

    Allowed values are: “CREATING”, “UPDATING”, “ACTIVE”, “DELETING”, “DELETED”, “FAILED”

  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘TIMECREATED’ is descending and the default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

    Allowed values are: “TIMECREATED”, “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type ManagedDatabaseGroupCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_managed_database_groups API.

list_managed_databases(compartment_id, **kwargs)

Gets the Managed Database for a specific ID or the list of Managed Databases in a specific compartment. Managed Databases can be filtered based on the name parameter. Only one of the parameters, ID or name should be provided. If neither of these parameters is provided, all the Managed Databases in the compartment are listed. Managed Databases can also be filtered based on the deployment type and management option. If the deployment type is not specified or if it is ONPREMISE, then the management option is not considered and Managed Databases with ADVANCED management option are listed.

  • compartment_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the compartment.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • id (str) – (optional) The identifier of the resource.
  • name (str) – (optional) A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.
  • management_option (str) –

    (optional) A filter to return Managed Databases with the specified management option.

    Allowed values are: “BASIC”, “ADVANCED”

  • deployment_type (str) –

    (optional) A filter to return Managed Databases of the specified deployment type.

    Allowed values are: “ONPREMISE”, “BM”, “VM”, “EXADATA”, “EXADATA_CC”, “AUTONOMOUS”

  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘TIMECREATED’ is descending and the default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

    Allowed values are: “TIMECREATED”, “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type ManagedDatabaseCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_managed_databases API.

list_object_privileges(managed_database_id, user_name, **kwargs)

Gets the list of object privileges granted to a specific user.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • user_name (str) – (required) The name of the user whose details are to be viewed.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • name (str) – (optional) A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

    Allowed values are: “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type ObjectPrivilegeCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_object_privileges API.

list_optimizer_statistics_advisor_executions(managed_database_id, **kwargs)

Lists the details of the Optimizer Statistics Advisor task executions, such as their duration, and the number of findings, if any. Optionally, you can specify a date-time range (of seven days) to obtain the list of executions that fall within the specified time range. If the date-time range is not specified, then the executions in the last seven days are listed.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • start_time_greater_than_or_equal_to (str) – (optional) The start time of the time range to retrieve the optimizer statistics of a Managed Database in UTC in ISO-8601 format, which is “yyyy-MM-dd’T’hh:mm:ss.sss’Z’”.
  • end_time_less_than_or_equal_to (str) – (optional) The end time of the time range to retrieve the optimizer statistics of a Managed Database in UTC in ISO-8601 format, which is “yyyy-MM-dd’T’hh:mm:ss.sss’Z’”.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type OptimizerStatisticsAdvisorExecutionsCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_optimizer_statistics_advisor_executions API.

list_optimizer_statistics_collection_aggregations(managed_database_id, group_type, **kwargs)

Gets a list of the optimizer statistics collection operations per hour, grouped by task or object status for the specified Managed Database. You must specify a value for GroupByQueryParam to determine whether the data should be grouped by task status or task object status. Optionally, you can specify a date-time range (of seven days) to obtain collection aggregations within the specified time range. If the date-time range is not specified, then the operations in the last seven days are listed. You can further filter the results by providing the optional type of TaskTypeQueryParam. If the task type not provided, then both Auto and Manual tasks are considered for aggregation.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • group_type (str) –

    (required) The optimizer statistics tasks grouped by type.

    Allowed values are: “TASK_STATUS”, “TASK_OBJECTS_STATUS”

  • start_time_greater_than_or_equal_to (str) – (optional) The start time of the time range to retrieve the optimizer statistics of a Managed Database in UTC in ISO-8601 format, which is “yyyy-MM-dd’T’hh:mm:ss.sss’Z’”.
  • end_time_less_than_or_equal_to (str) – (optional) The end time of the time range to retrieve the optimizer statistics of a Managed Database in UTC in ISO-8601 format, which is “yyyy-MM-dd’T’hh:mm:ss.sss’Z’”.
  • task_type (str) –

    (optional) The filter types of the optimizer statistics tasks.

    Allowed values are: “ALL”, “MANUAL”, “AUTO”

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type OptimizerStatisticsCollectionAggregationsCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_optimizer_statistics_collection_aggregations API.

list_optimizer_statistics_collection_operations(managed_database_id, **kwargs)

Lists the Optimizer Statistics Collection (Auto and Manual) task operation summary for the specified Managed Database. The summary includes the details of each operation and the number of tasks grouped by status: Completed, In Progress, Failed, and so on. Optionally, you can specify a date-time range (of seven days) to obtain the list of operations that fall within the specified time range. If the date-time range is not specified, then the operations in the last seven days are listed. This API also enables the pagination of results and the opc-next-page response header indicates whether there is a next page. If you use the same header value in a consecutive request, the next page records are returned. To obtain the required results, you can apply the different types of filters supported by this API.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • start_time_greater_than_or_equal_to (str) – (optional) The start time of the time range to retrieve the optimizer statistics of a Managed Database in UTC in ISO-8601 format, which is “yyyy-MM-dd’T’hh:mm:ss.sss’Z’”.
  • end_time_less_than_or_equal_to (str) – (optional) The end time of the time range to retrieve the optimizer statistics of a Managed Database in UTC in ISO-8601 format, which is “yyyy-MM-dd’T’hh:mm:ss.sss’Z’”.
  • task_type (str) –

    (optional) The filter types of the optimizer statistics tasks.

    Allowed values are: “ALL”, “MANUAL”, “AUTO”

  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • filter_by (str) – (optional) The parameter used to filter the optimizer statistics operations. Any property of the OptimizerStatisticsCollectionOperationSummary can be used to define the filter condition. The allowed conditional operators are AND or OR, and the allowed binary operators are are >, < and =. Any other operator is regarded invalid. Example: jobName=<replace with job name> AND status=<replace with status>
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) Sorts the list of optimizer statistics operations based on a specific attribute.

    Allowed values are: “START_TIME”, “END_TIME”, “STATUS”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type OptimizerStatisticsCollectionOperationsCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_optimizer_statistics_collection_operations API.

list_proxied_for_users(managed_database_id, user_name, **kwargs)

Gets the list of users on whose behalf the current user acts as proxy.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • user_name (str) – (required) The name of the user whose details are to be viewed.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • name (str) – (optional) A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

    Allowed values are: “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type ProxiedForUserCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_proxied_for_users API.

list_proxy_users(managed_database_id, user_name, **kwargs)

Gets the list of proxy users for the current user.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • user_name (str) – (required) The name of the user whose details are to be viewed.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • name (str) – (optional) A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

    Allowed values are: “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type ProxyUserCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_proxy_users API.

list_roles(managed_database_id, user_name, **kwargs)

Gets the list of roles granted to a specific user.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • user_name (str) – (required) The name of the user whose details are to be viewed.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • name (str) – (optional) A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

    Allowed values are: “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type RoleCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_roles API.

list_system_privileges(managed_database_id, user_name, **kwargs)

Gets the list of system privileges granted to a specific user.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • user_name (str) – (required) The name of the user whose details are to be viewed.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • name (str) – (optional) A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

    Allowed values are: “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type SystemPrivilegeCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_system_privileges API.

list_table_statistics(managed_database_id, **kwargs)

Lists the database table statistics grouped by different statuses such as Not Stale Stats, Stale Stats, and No Stats. This also includes the percentage of each status.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type TableStatisticsCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_table_statistics API.

list_tablespaces(managed_database_id, **kwargs)

Gets the list of tablespaces for the specified managedDatabaseId.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • name (str) – (optional) A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘TIMECREATED’ is descending and the default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

    Allowed values are: “TIMECREATED”, “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type TablespaceCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_tablespaces API.

list_users(managed_database_id, **kwargs)

Gets the list of users for the specified managedDatabaseId.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • name (str) – (optional) A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘TIMECREATED’ is descending and the default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

    Allowed values are: “TIMECREATED”, “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type UserCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_users API.

list_work_request_errors(work_request_id, **kwargs)

Returns a paginated list of errors for a given work request.

  • work_request_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the asynchronous work request.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided and the default order for timeAccepted is descending.

    Allowed values are: “timeAccepted”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type WorkRequestErrorCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_work_request_errors API.

list_work_request_logs(work_request_id, **kwargs)

Returns a paginated list of logs for a given work request.

  • work_request_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the asynchronous work request.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided and the default order for timeAccepted is descending.

    Allowed values are: “timeAccepted”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type WorkRequestLogEntryCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_work_request_logs API.

list_work_requests(compartment_id, **kwargs)

The list of work requests in a specific compartment was retrieved successfully.

  • compartment_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the compartment.

  • resource_id (str) –

    (optional) The OCID of the resource affected by the work request.

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • work_request_id (str) –

    (optional) The OCID of the asynchronous work request.

  • status (str) –

    (optional) A filter that returns the resources whose status matches the given WorkRequestStatus.


  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided and the default order for timeAccepted is descending.

    Allowed values are: “timeAccepted”

  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type WorkRequestCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_work_requests API.

remove_data_file(managed_database_id, tablespace_name, remove_data_file_details, **kwargs)

Removes a data file or temp file from the tablespace.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • tablespace_name (str) – (required) The name of the tablespace.
  • remove_data_file_details (oci.database_management.models.RemoveDataFileDetails) – (required) The details required to remove a data file or temp file from the tablespace.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type TablespaceAdminStatus

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use remove_data_file API.

remove_managed_database_from_managed_database_group(managed_database_group_id, remove_managed_database_from_managed_database_group_details, **kwargs)

Removes a Managed Database from a Managed Database Group. Any management activities that are currently running on this database will continue to run to completion. However, any activities scheduled to run in the future will not be performed on this database.

  • managed_database_group_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database Group.

  • remove_managed_database_from_managed_database_group_details (oci.database_management.models.RemoveManagedDatabaseFromManagedDatabaseGroupDetails) – (required) The Managed Database details required to remove the Managed Database from a Managed Database Group.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use remove_managed_database_from_managed_database_group API.

reset_database_parameters(managed_database_id, reset_database_parameters_details, **kwargs)

Resets database parameter values to their default or startup values.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • reset_database_parameters_details (oci.database_management.models.ResetDatabaseParametersDetails) – (required) The details required to reset database parameters.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type UpdateDatabaseParametersResult

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use reset_database_parameters API.

resize_data_file(managed_database_id, tablespace_name, resize_data_file_details, **kwargs)

Resizes a data file or temp file within the tablespace.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • tablespace_name (str) – (required) The name of the tablespace.
  • resize_data_file_details (oci.database_management.models.ResizeDataFileDetails) – (required) The details required to resize a data file or temp file within the tablespace.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type TablespaceAdminStatus

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use resize_data_file API.

run_historic_addm(managed_database_id, run_historic_addm_details, **kwargs)

Creates and executes a historic ADDM task using the specified AWR snapshot IDs. If an existing ADDM task uses the provided awr snapshot IDs, the existing task will be returned.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • run_historic_addm_details (oci.database_management.models.RunHistoricAddmDetails) – (required) The details of the ADDM task, which include the beginning and ending AWR snapshot IDs.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique identifier for the request.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type HistoricAddmResult

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use run_historic_addm API.

summarize_awr_db_cpu_usages(managed_database_id, awr_db_id, **kwargs)

Summarizes the AWR CPU resource limits and metrics for the specified database in AWR.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • awr_db_id (str) – (required) The parameter to filter the database by internal ID. Note that the internal ID of the database can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs
  • inst_num (str) – (optional) The optional single value query parameter to filter the database instance number.
  • begin_sn_id_greater_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot ID.
  • end_sn_id_less_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the snapshot ID.
  • time_greater_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • time_less_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • session_type (str) –

    (optional) The optional query parameter to filter ASH activities by FOREGROUND or BACKGROUND.

    Allowed values are: “FOREGROUND”, “BACKGROUND”, “ALL”

  • container_id (int) – (optional) The optional query parameter to filter the database container by an exact ID value. Note that the database container ID can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in large paginated response.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort the AWR CPU usage summary data.

    Allowed values are: “TIME_SAMPLED”, “AVG_VALUE”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Descending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type AwrDbCpuUsageCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use summarize_awr_db_cpu_usages API.

summarize_awr_db_metrics(managed_database_id, awr_db_id, name, **kwargs)

Summarizes the metric samples for the specified database in the AWR. The metric samples are summarized based on the Time dimension for each metric.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • awr_db_id (str) – (required) The parameter to filter the database by internal ID. Note that the internal ID of the database can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs
  • name (oci.database_management.models.list[str]) – (required) The required multiple value query parameter to filter the entity name.
  • inst_num (str) – (optional) The optional single value query parameter to filter the database instance number.
  • begin_sn_id_greater_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot ID.
  • end_sn_id_less_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the snapshot ID.
  • time_greater_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • time_less_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • container_id (int) – (optional) The optional query parameter to filter the database container by an exact ID value. Note that the database container ID can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in large paginated response.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort the AWR time series summary data.

    Allowed values are: “TIMESTAMP”, “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Descending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type AwrDbMetricCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use summarize_awr_db_metrics API.

summarize_awr_db_parameter_changes(managed_database_id, awr_db_id, name, **kwargs)

Summarizes the database parameter change history for one database parameter of the specified database in AWR. One change history record contains the previous value, the changed value, and the corresponding time range. If the database parameter value was changed multiple times within the time range, then multiple change history records are created for the same parameter. Note that this API only returns information on change history details for one database parameter. To get a list of all the database parameters whose values were changed during a specified time range, use the following API endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs/{awrDbId}/awrDbParameters

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • awr_db_id (str) – (required) The parameter to filter the database by internal ID. Note that the internal ID of the database can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs
  • name (str) – (required) The required single value query parameter to filter the entity name.
  • inst_num (str) – (optional) The optional single value query parameter to filter the database instance number.
  • begin_sn_id_greater_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot ID.
  • end_sn_id_less_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the snapshot ID.
  • time_greater_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • time_less_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • container_id (int) – (optional) The optional query parameter to filter the database container by an exact ID value. Note that the database container ID can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in large paginated response.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort the AWR database parameter change history data.

    Allowed values are: “IS_CHANGED”, “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Descending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type AwrDbParameterChangeCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use summarize_awr_db_parameter_changes API.

summarize_awr_db_parameters(managed_database_id, awr_db_id, **kwargs)

Summarizes the database parameter history for the specified database in AWR. This includes the list of database parameters, with information on whether the parameter values were modified within the query time range. Note that each database parameter is only listed once. Depending on the optional query parameters, the returned summary gets all the database parameters, which include:

  • Each parameter whose value was changed during the time range: (valueChanged =”Y”)
  • Each parameter whose value was unchanged during the time range: (valueChanged =”N”)
  • Each parameter whose value was changed at the system level during the time range: (valueChanged =”Y” and valueModified = “SYSTEM_MOD”)
  • Each parameter whose value was unchanged during the time range, however, the value is not the default value: (valueChanged =”N” and valueDefault = “FALSE”)

Note that this API does not return information on the number of times each database parameter has been changed within the time range. To get the database parameter value change history for a specific parameter, use the following API endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs/{awrDbId}/awrDbParameterChanges

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • awr_db_id (str) – (required) The parameter to filter the database by internal ID. Note that the internal ID of the database can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs
  • inst_num (str) – (optional) The optional single value query parameter to filter the database instance number.
  • begin_sn_id_greater_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot ID.
  • end_sn_id_less_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the snapshot ID.
  • time_greater_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • time_less_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • container_id (int) – (optional) The optional query parameter to filter the database container by an exact ID value. Note that the database container ID can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges
  • name (list[str]) – (optional) The optional multiple value query parameter to filter the entity name.
  • name_contains (str) – (optional) The optional contains query parameter to filter the entity name by any part of the name.
  • value_changed (str) –

    (optional) The optional query parameter to filter database parameters whose values were changed.

    Allowed values are: “Y”, “N”

  • value_default (str) –

    (optional) The optional query parameter to filter the database parameters that had the default value in the last snapshot.

    Allowed values are: “TRUE”, “FALSE”

  • value_modified (str) –

    (optional) The optional query parameter to filter the database parameters that had a modified value in the last snapshot.

    Allowed values are: “MODIFIED”, “SYSTEM_MOD”, “FALSE”

  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in large paginated response.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort the AWR database parameter change history data.

    Allowed values are: “IS_CHANGED”, “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Descending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type AwrDbParameterCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use summarize_awr_db_parameters API.

summarize_awr_db_snapshot_ranges(managed_database_id, **kwargs)

Summarizes the AWR snapshot ranges that contain continuous snapshots, for the specified Managed Database.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • name (str) – (optional) The optional single value query parameter to filter the entity name.
  • time_greater_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • time_less_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort the AWR summary data.

    Allowed values are: “END_INTERVAL_TIME”, “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Descending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type AwrDbSnapshotRangeCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use summarize_awr_db_snapshot_ranges API.

summarize_awr_db_sysstats(managed_database_id, awr_db_id, name, **kwargs)

Summarizes the AWR SYSSTAT sample data for the specified database in AWR. The statistical data is summarized based on the Time dimension for each statistic.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • awr_db_id (str) – (required) The parameter to filter the database by internal ID. Note that the internal ID of the database can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs
  • name (oci.database_management.models.list[str]) – (required) The required multiple value query parameter to filter the entity name.
  • inst_num (str) – (optional) The optional single value query parameter to filter the database instance number.
  • begin_sn_id_greater_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot ID.
  • end_sn_id_less_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the snapshot ID.
  • time_greater_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • time_less_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • container_id (int) – (optional) The optional query parameter to filter the database container by an exact ID value. Note that the database container ID can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in large paginated response.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort the data within a time period.

    Allowed values are: “TIME_BEGIN”, “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Descending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type AwrDbSysstatCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use summarize_awr_db_sysstats API.

summarize_awr_db_top_wait_events(managed_database_id, awr_db_id, **kwargs)

Summarizes the AWR top wait events.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • awr_db_id (str) – (required) The parameter to filter the database by internal ID. Note that the internal ID of the database can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs
  • inst_num (str) – (optional) The optional single value query parameter to filter the database instance number.
  • begin_sn_id_greater_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot ID.
  • end_sn_id_less_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the snapshot ID.
  • time_greater_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • time_less_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • session_type (str) –

    (optional) The optional query parameter to filter ASH activities by FOREGROUND or BACKGROUND.

    Allowed values are: “FOREGROUND”, “BACKGROUND”, “ALL”

  • container_id (int) – (optional) The optional query parameter to filter the database container by an exact ID value. Note that the database container ID can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges
  • top_n (int) – (optional) The optional query parameter to filter the number of top categories to be returned.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort the AWR top event summary data.

    Allowed values are: “WAITS_PERSEC”, “AVG_WAIT_TIME_PERSEC”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Descending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type AwrDbTopWaitEventCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use summarize_awr_db_top_wait_events API.

summarize_awr_db_wait_event_buckets(managed_database_id, awr_db_id, name, **kwargs)

Summarizes AWR wait event data into value buckets and frequency, for the specified database in the AWR.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • awr_db_id (str) – (required) The parameter to filter the database by internal ID. Note that the internal ID of the database can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs
  • name (str) – (required) The required single value query parameter to filter the entity name.
  • inst_num (str) – (optional) The optional single value query parameter to filter the database instance number.
  • begin_sn_id_greater_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot ID.
  • end_sn_id_less_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the snapshot ID.
  • time_greater_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • time_less_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • num_bucket (int) – (optional) The number of buckets within the histogram.
  • min_value (float) – (optional) The minimum value of the histogram.
  • max_value (float) – (optional) The maximum value of the histogram.
  • container_id (int) – (optional) The optional query parameter to filter the database container by an exact ID value. Note that the database container ID can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in large paginated response.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort distribution data.

    Allowed values are: “CATEGORY”, “PERCENTAGE”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type AwrDbWaitEventBucketCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use summarize_awr_db_wait_event_buckets API.

summarize_awr_db_wait_events(managed_database_id, awr_db_id, **kwargs)

Summarizes the AWR wait event sample data for the specified database in the AWR. The event data is summarized based on the Time dimension for each event.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • awr_db_id (str) – (required) The parameter to filter the database by internal ID. Note that the internal ID of the database can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs
  • inst_num (str) – (optional) The optional single value query parameter to filter the database instance number.
  • begin_sn_id_greater_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot ID.
  • end_sn_id_less_than_or_equal_to (int) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the snapshot ID.
  • time_greater_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • time_less_than_or_equal_to (datetime) – (optional) The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.
  • name (list[str]) – (optional) The optional multiple value query parameter to filter the entity name.
  • session_type (str) –

    (optional) The optional query parameter to filter ASH activities by FOREGROUND or BACKGROUND.

    Allowed values are: “FOREGROUND”, “BACKGROUND”, “ALL”

  • container_id (int) – (optional) The optional query parameter to filter the database container by an exact ID value. Note that the database container ID can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges
  • page (str) – (optional) The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.
  • limit (int) – (optional) The maximum number of records returned in large paginated response.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort the data within a time period.

    Allowed values are: “TIME_BEGIN”, “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Descending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type AwrDbWaitEventCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use summarize_awr_db_wait_events API.

summarize_job_executions_statuses(compartment_id, start_time, end_time, **kwargs)

Gets the number of job executions grouped by status for a job, Managed Database, or Database Group in a specific compartment. Only one of the parameters, jobId, managedDatabaseId, or managedDatabaseGroupId should be provided.

  • compartment_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the compartment.

  • start_time (str) – (required) The start time of the time range to retrieve the status summary of job executions in UTC in ISO-8601 format, which is “yyyy-MM-dd’T’hh:mm:ss.sss’Z’”.
  • end_time (str) – (required) The end time of the time range to retrieve the status summary of job executions in UTC in ISO-8601 format, which is “yyyy-MM-dd’T’hh:mm:ss.sss’Z’”.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • id (str) – (optional) The identifier of the resource.
  • managed_database_group_id (str) –

    (optional) The OCID of the Managed Database Group.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (optional) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • name (str) – (optional) A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘TIMECREATED’ is descending and the default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

    Allowed values are: “TIMECREATED”, “NAME”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type JobExecutionsStatusSummaryCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use summarize_job_executions_statuses API.

update_db_management_private_endpoint(db_management_private_endpoint_id, update_db_management_private_endpoint_details, **kwargs)

Updates one or more attributes of a specific Database Management private endpoint.

  • db_management_private_endpoint_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Database Management private endpoint.

  • update_db_management_private_endpoint_details (oci.database_management.models.UpdateDbManagementPrivateEndpointDetails) – (required) The details used to update a Database Management private endpoint.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type DbManagementPrivateEndpoint

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use update_db_management_private_endpoint API.

update_job(job_id, update_job_details, **kwargs)

Updates the details for the recurring scheduled job specified by jobId. Note that non-recurring (one time) jobs cannot be updated.

  • job_id (str) – (required) The identifier of the job.
  • update_job_details (oci.database_management.models.UpdateJobDetails) – (required) The details required to update a job.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Job

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use update_job API.

update_managed_database_group(managed_database_group_id, update_managed_database_group_details, **kwargs)

Updates the Managed Database Group specified by managedDatabaseGroupId.

  • managed_database_group_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database Group.

  • update_managed_database_group_details (oci.database_management.models.UpdateManagedDatabaseGroupDetails) – (required) The details required to update a Managed Database Group.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type ManagedDatabaseGroup

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use update_managed_database_group API.

update_tablespace(managed_database_id, tablespace_name, update_tablespace_details, **kwargs)

Updates the attributes of the tablespace specified by tablespaceName within the Managed Database specified by managedDatabaseId.

  • managed_database_id (str) –

    (required) The OCID of the Managed Database.

  • tablespace_name (str) – (required) The name of the tablespace.
  • update_tablespace_details (oci.database_management.models.UpdateTablespaceDetails) – (required) The details required to update a tablespace.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) The client request ID for tracing.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Tablespace

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use update_tablespace API.