
class oci.data_connectivity.DataConnectivityManagementClient(config, **kwargs)

Use the DCMS APIs to perform Metadata/Data operations.


__init__(config, **kwargs) Creates a new service client
change_endpoint_compartment(endpoint_id, …) The Endpoint will be moved to the desired compartment.
change_registry_compartment(registry_id, …) The registry will be moved to the desired compartment.
create_attach_data_asset(registry_id, …) Attaches list of DataAssets to the given endpoint
create_connection(registry_id, …) Creates a connection under an existing data asset.
create_connection_validation(registry_id, …) Creates a connection validation.
create_connectivity_validation(registry_id, …) This endpoint is used to trigger validation of dataAsset, connection, schema, entity, dataOperationConfig
create_data_asset(registry_id, …) Creates a data asset with default connection.
create_data_preview(registry_id, …) Provide data preview on live schema
create_data_profile(registry_id, …) Execute data profiling on live schema
create_de_reference_artifact(registry_id, …) DeRereferenced a dcms artifact.
create_detach_data_asset(registry_id, …) Detaches list of DataAssets to the given endpoint
create_endpoint(create_endpoint_details, …) Creates a new Data Connectivity Management Endpoint ready for performing data Connectivity.
create_entity_shape(registry_id, …) Creates the data entity shape using the shape from the data asset.
create_execute_operation_job(registry_id, …) Call the operation to execute
create_folder(registry_id, …) Creates a folder under a specefied registry.
create_full_push_down_task(registry_id, …) This endpoint is used to create a connectivity task (like PushdownTask).
create_reference_artifact(registry_id, …) Reference a data asset.
create_registry(create_registry_details, …) Creates a new Data Connectivity Management Registry ready for performing data Connectivity Management.
create_test_network_connectivity(…) Execute network validation on selected data assets associated with the provided private endpoint
delete_connection(registry_id, …) Removes a connection using the specified identifier.
delete_connection_validation(registry_id, …) Deletes a connection validation.
delete_data_asset(registry_id, …) Removes a data asset using the specified identifier.
delete_endpoint(endpoint_id, **kwargs) Deletes a Data Connectivity Management Endpoint resource by identifier
delete_folder(registry_id, folder_key, **kwargs) Removes a folder using the specified identifier.
delete_network_connectivity_status(…) This api is used to delete a persisted NetworkValidationStatus by its key
delete_registry(registry_id, **kwargs) Deletes a Data Connectivity Management Registry resource by identifier
get_connection(registry_id, connection_key, …) Retrieves the connection details using the specified identifier.
get_connection_validation(registry_id, …) Retrieves a connection validation using the specified identifier.
get_data_asset(registry_id, data_asset_key, …) Retrieves details of a data asset using the specified identifier.
get_data_entity(registry_id, connection_key, …) Retrieves the data entity details with the given name from live schema.
get_endpoint(endpoint_id, **kwargs) Gets a Data Connectivity Management Endpoint by identifier
get_execute_operation_job(registry_id, …) Get the operation status or operation execution result
get_folder(registry_id, folder_key, **kwargs) Retrieves the folder details using the specified identifier.
get_network_connectivity_status(registry_id, …) Get Status of network reachability check, with the timestamp when the status was last checked, for a given PrivateEndpoint-DataAsset pair
get_operation(registry_id, connection_key, …) Retrieves the details of operation with given resource name.
get_registry(registry_id, **kwargs) Gets a Data Connectivity Management Registry by identifier
get_schema(registry_id, connection_key, …) Retrieves a schema that can be accessed using the specified connection.
get_type(registry_id, type_key, **kwargs) This endpoint retrieves dataAsset and connection attributes from DataAssetRegistry
get_work_request(work_request_id, **kwargs) Gets the status of the work request with the given ID.
list_connection_validations(registry_id, …) Retrieves a list of connection validations within the specified registry.
list_connections(registry_id, …) Retrieves a list of all connections.
list_data_assets(registry_id, **kwargs) Retrieves a list of all data asset summaries.
list_data_entities(registry_id, …) Lists a summary of data entities from the data asset using the specified connection.
list_endpoints(compartment_id, **kwargs) Returns a list of Data Connectivity Management Endpoints.
list_folders(registry_id, **kwargs) Retrieves a list of all folders.
list_operations(registry_id, connection_key, …) Lists the summary of operations present in the schema identified by schema name.
list_reference_artifacts(registry_id, …) Retrieves a list of all reference info of a dcms artifact.
list_registries(compartment_id, **kwargs) Returns a list of Data Connectivity Management Registries.
list_schemas(registry_id, connection_key, …) Retrieves a list of all the schemas that can be accessed using the specified connection.
list_types(registry_id, **kwargs) This endpoint retrieves list of all the supported connector types
list_work_request_errors(work_request_id, …) Return a (paginated) list of errors for a given work request.
list_work_request_logs(work_request_id, **kwargs) Return a (paginated) list of logs for a given work request.
list_work_requests(compartment_id, **kwargs) Lists the work requests in a compartment.
update_connection(registry_id, …) Updates a connection under a data asset.
update_data_asset(registry_id, …) Updates a specific data asset with default connection.
update_endpoint(endpoint_id, …) Updates the Data Connectivity Management Endpoint
update_folder(registry_id, folder_key, …) Updates a folder under a specefied registry.
update_registry(registry_id, …) Updates the Data Connectivity Management Registry
validate_data_asset_network_reachablity(…) Validates the dataAsset network Reachability.
__init__(config, **kwargs)

Creates a new service client

  • config (dict) – Configuration keys and values as per SDK and Tool Configuration. The from_file() method can be used to load configuration from a file. Alternatively, a dict can be passed. You can validate_config the dict using validate_config()
  • service_endpoint (str) – (optional) The endpoint of the service to call using this client. For example If this keyword argument is not provided then it will be derived using the region in the config parameter. You should only provide this keyword argument if you have an explicit need to specify a service endpoint.
  • timeout (float or tuple(float, float)) – (optional) The connection and read timeouts for the client. The default values are connection timeout 10 seconds and read timeout 60 seconds. This keyword argument can be provided as a single float, in which case the value provided is used for both the read and connection timeouts, or as a tuple of two floats. If a tuple is provided then the first value is used as the connection timeout and the second value as the read timeout.
  • signer (AbstractBaseSigner) –

    (optional) The signer to use when signing requests made by the service client. The default is to use a Signer based on the values provided in the config parameter.

    One use case for this parameter is for Instance Principals authentication by passing an instance of InstancePrincipalsSecurityTokenSigner as the value for this keyword argument

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to all calls made by this service client (i.e. at the client level). There is no retry strategy applied by default. Retry strategies can also be applied at the operation level by passing a retry_strategy keyword argument as part of calling the operation. Any value provided at the operation level will override whatever is specified at the client level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. A convenience DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY is also available. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

  • circuit_breaker_strategy (obj) – (optional) A circuit breaker strategy to apply to all calls made by this service client (i.e. at the client level). This client uses DEFAULT_CIRCUIT_BREAKER_STRATEGY as default if no circuit breaker strategy is provided. The specifics of circuit breaker strategy are described here.
  • circuit_breaker_callback (function) – (optional) Callback function to receive any exceptions triggerred by the circuit breaker.
  • allow_control_chars – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this client should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the client will not allow control characters to be in the response object.
change_endpoint_compartment(endpoint_id, change_endpoint_compartment_details, **kwargs)

The Endpoint will be moved to the desired compartment.

  • endpoint_id (str) – (required) DCMS Endpoint id
  • change_endpoint_compartment_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.ChangeEndpointCompartmentDetails) – (required) The details of change compartment action.
  • registry_id (str) – (optional) DCMS registry id
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use change_endpoint_compartment API.

change_registry_compartment(registry_id, change_registry_compartment_details, **kwargs)

The registry will be moved to the desired compartment.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • change_registry_compartment_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.ChangeRegistryCompartmentDetails) – (required) The details of change compartment action.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use change_registry_compartment API.

create_attach_data_asset(registry_id, endpoint_id, create_attach_data_asset_details, **kwargs)

Attaches list of DataAssets to the given endpoint

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • endpoint_id (str) – (required) DCMS Endpoint id
  • create_attach_data_asset_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.CreateAttachDataAssetDetails) – (required) Request body parameters to attach data asset to an private endpoint
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type AttachDataAssetInfo

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_attach_data_asset API.

create_connection(registry_id, create_connection_details, **kwargs)

Creates a connection under an existing data asset.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • create_connection_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.CreateConnectionDetails) – (required) The information needed to create a connection.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Connection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_connection API.

create_connection_validation(registry_id, create_connection_validation_details, **kwargs)

Creates a connection validation.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • create_connection_validation_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.CreateConnectionValidationDetails) – (required) The information needed to validate a connection.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again.
  • endpoint_id (str) – (optional) Endpoint Id used for getDataAssetFullDetails.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type ConnectionValidation

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_connection_validation API.

create_connectivity_validation(registry_id, create_connectivity_validation_details, **kwargs)

This endpoint is used to trigger validation of dataAsset, connection, schema, entity, dataOperationConfig

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • create_connectivity_validation_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.CreateConnectivityValidationDetails) – (required) Request body parameters to trigger connectivity validations
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again.
  • endpoint_id (str) – (optional) Endpoint Id used for getDataAssetFullDetails.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type ConnectivityValidation

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_connectivity_validation API.

create_data_asset(registry_id, create_data_asset_details, **kwargs)

Creates a data asset with default connection.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • create_data_asset_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.CreateDataAssetDetails) – (required) The information needed to create a data asset.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type DataAsset

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_data_asset API.

create_data_preview(registry_id, create_data_preview_details, **kwargs)

Provide data preview on live schema

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • create_data_preview_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.CreateDataPreviewDetails) – (required) Request body parameters to provide data preview
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • endpoint_id (str) – (optional) Endpoint Id used for getDataAssetFullDetails.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type DataPreview

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_data_preview API.

create_data_profile(registry_id, create_data_profile_details, **kwargs)

Execute data profiling on live schema

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • create_data_profile_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.CreateDataProfileDetails) – (required) Request body parameters to execute data profiling
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • endpoint_id (str) – (optional) Endpoint Id used for getDataAssetFullDetails.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type DataProfile

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_data_profile API.

create_de_reference_artifact(registry_id, dcms_artifact_id, create_de_reference_artifact_details, **kwargs)

DeRereferenced a dcms artifact.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • dcms_artifact_id (str) – (required) The ID of a dcms artifact (DataAsset or Endpoint).
  • create_de_reference_artifact_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.CreateDeReferenceArtifactDetails) – (required) The information needed to delete a dcms artifact reference.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type DeReferenceInfo

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_de_reference_artifact API.

create_detach_data_asset(registry_id, endpoint_id, create_detach_data_asset_details, **kwargs)

Detaches list of DataAssets to the given endpoint

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • endpoint_id (str) – (required) DCMS Endpoint id
  • create_detach_data_asset_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.CreateDetachDataAssetDetails) – (required) Request body parameters to detach data asset to an private endpoint
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type DetachDataAssetInfo

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_detach_data_asset API.

create_endpoint(create_endpoint_details, **kwargs)

Creates a new Data Connectivity Management Endpoint ready for performing data Connectivity.

  • create_endpoint_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.CreateEndpointDetails) – (required) Details for the new Data Connectivity Management Endpoint.
  • registry_id (str) – (optional) DCMS registry id
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_endpoint API.

create_entity_shape(registry_id, connection_key, schema_resource_name, create_entity_shape_details, **kwargs)

Creates the data entity shape using the shape from the data asset.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • connection_key (str) – (required) The connection key.
  • schema_resource_name (str) – (required) The schema resource name used for retrieving schemas.
  • create_entity_shape_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.CreateEntityShapeDetails) – (required) The details needed to create the data entity shape.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • authorization_mode (str) –

    (optional) Authorization mode for communicating with another OCI service relevant for the API.


  • endpoint_id (str) – (optional) Endpoint Id used for getDataAssetFullDetails.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type EntityShape

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_entity_shape API.

create_execute_operation_job(registry_id, connection_key, schema_resource_name, create_execute_operation_job_details, **kwargs)

Call the operation to execute

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • connection_key (str) – (required) The connection key.
  • schema_resource_name (str) – (required) The schema resource name used for retrieving schemas.
  • create_execute_operation_job_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.CreateExecuteOperationJobDetails) – (required) Request body parameter for execute operation job input.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • endpoint_id (str) – (optional) Endpoint Id used for getDataAssetFullDetails.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type ExecuteOperationJobDetails

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_execute_operation_job API.

create_folder(registry_id, create_folder_details, **kwargs)

Creates a folder under a specefied registry.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • create_folder_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.CreateFolderDetails) – (required) The information needed to create a folder.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Folder

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_folder API.

create_full_push_down_task(registry_id, create_full_push_down_task_details, **kwargs)

This endpoint is used to create a connectivity task (like PushdownTask).

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • create_full_push_down_task_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.CreateFullPushDownTaskDetails) – (required) Request body parameter for full pushdown task
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • endpoint_id (str) – (optional) Endpoint Id used for getDataAssetFullDetails.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type FullPushDownTaskResponse

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_full_push_down_task API.

create_reference_artifact(registry_id, dcms_artifact_id, create_reference_artifact_details, **kwargs)

Reference a data asset.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • dcms_artifact_id (str) – (required) The ID of a dcms artifact (DataAsset or Endpoint).
  • create_reference_artifact_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.CreateReferenceArtifactDetails) – (required) The information needed to reference a dcms artifact
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type ReferenceInfo

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_reference_artifact API.

create_registry(create_registry_details, **kwargs)

Creates a new Data Connectivity Management Registry ready for performing data Connectivity Management.

  • create_registry_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.CreateRegistryDetails) – (required) Details for the new Data Connectivity Management Registry.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_registry API.

create_test_network_connectivity(registry_id, create_test_network_connectivity_details, **kwargs)

Execute network validation on selected data assets associated with the provided private endpoint

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • create_test_network_connectivity_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.CreateTestNetworkConnectivityDetails) – (required) Request body parameters to execute network validation
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again.
  • endpoint_id (str) – (optional) Endpoint Id used for getDataAssetFullDetails.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type TestNetworkConnectivity

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use create_test_network_connectivity API.

delete_connection(registry_id, connection_key, **kwargs)

Removes a connection using the specified identifier.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • connection_key (str) – (required) The connection key.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use delete_connection API.

delete_connection_validation(registry_id, connection_validation_key, **kwargs)

Deletes a connection validation.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • connection_validation_key (str) – (required) The key of the connection validation.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • endpoint_id (str) – (optional) Endpoint Id used for getDataAssetFullDetails.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use delete_connection_validation API.

delete_data_asset(registry_id, data_asset_key, **kwargs)

Removes a data asset using the specified identifier.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • data_asset_key (str) – (required) The data asset key.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use delete_data_asset API.

delete_endpoint(endpoint_id, **kwargs)

Deletes a Data Connectivity Management Endpoint resource by identifier

  • endpoint_id (str) – (required) DCMS Endpoint id
  • registry_id (str) – (optional) DCMS registry id
  • is_force_operation (bool) – (optional) Try to delete forcefully after drain timeout.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use delete_endpoint API.

delete_folder(registry_id, folder_key, **kwargs)

Removes a folder using the specified identifier.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • folder_key (str) – (required) The folder ID.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use delete_folder API.

delete_network_connectivity_status(registry_id, network_validation_status_key, **kwargs)

This api is used to delete a persisted NetworkValidationStatus by its key

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • network_validation_status_key (str) – (required) NetworkValidationStatus key.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use delete_network_connectivity_status API.

delete_registry(registry_id, **kwargs)

Deletes a Data Connectivity Management Registry resource by identifier

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • is_force_operation (bool) – (optional) Try to delete forcefully after drain timeout.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use delete_registry API.

get_connection(registry_id, connection_key, **kwargs)

Retrieves the connection details using the specified identifier.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • connection_key (str) – (required) The connection key.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Connection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_connection API.

get_connection_validation(registry_id, connection_validation_key, **kwargs)

Retrieves a connection validation using the specified identifier.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • connection_validation_key (str) – (required) The key of the connection validation.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • endpoint_id (str) – (optional) Endpoint Id used for getDataAssetFullDetails.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type ConnectionValidation

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_connection_validation API.

get_data_asset(registry_id, data_asset_key, **kwargs)

Retrieves details of a data asset using the specified identifier.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • data_asset_key (str) – (required) The data asset key.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type DataAsset

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_data_asset API.

get_data_entity(registry_id, connection_key, schema_resource_name, data_entity_key, **kwargs)

Retrieves the data entity details with the given name from live schema.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • connection_key (str) – (required) The connection key.
  • schema_resource_name (str) – (required) The schema resource name used for retrieving schemas.
  • data_entity_key (str) – (required) The key of the data entity.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • endpoint_id (str) – (optional) Endpoint Id used for getDataAssetFullDetails.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type DataEntity

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_data_entity API.

get_endpoint(endpoint_id, **kwargs)

Gets a Data Connectivity Management Endpoint by identifier

  • endpoint_id (str) – (required) DCMS Endpoint id
  • registry_id (str) – (optional) DCMS registry id
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Endpoint

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_endpoint API.

get_execute_operation_job(registry_id, connection_key, schema_resource_name, execute_operation_job_key, **kwargs)

Get the operation status or operation execution result

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • connection_key (str) – (required) The connection key.
  • schema_resource_name (str) – (required) The schema resource name used for retrieving schemas.
  • execute_operation_job_key (str) – (required) Job id returned by execute operation job api
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • endpoint_id (str) – (optional) Endpoint Id used for getDataAssetFullDetails.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type ExecuteOperationJob

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_execute_operation_job API.

get_folder(registry_id, folder_key, **kwargs)

Retrieves the folder details using the specified identifier.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • folder_key (str) – (required) The folder ID.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Folder

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_folder API.

get_network_connectivity_status(registry_id, data_asset_key, **kwargs)

Get Status of network reachability check, with the timestamp when the status was last checked, for a given PrivateEndpoint-DataAsset pair

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • data_asset_key (str) – (required) The data asset key.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again.
  • endpoint_id (str) – (optional) Endpoint Id used for getDataAssetFullDetails.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type NetworkConnectivityStatus

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_network_connectivity_status API.

get_operation(registry_id, connection_key, schema_resource_name, operation_resource_name, **kwargs)

Retrieves the details of operation with given resource name.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • connection_key (str) – (required) The connection key.
  • schema_resource_name (str) – (required) The schema resource name used for retrieving schemas.
  • operation_resource_name (str) – (required) The opeartion resource name used for retrieving the details of operation.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • endpoint_id (str) – (optional) Endpoint Id used for getDataAssetFullDetails.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Operation

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_operation API.

get_registry(registry_id, **kwargs)

Gets a Data Connectivity Management Registry by identifier

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Registry

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_registry API.

get_schema(registry_id, connection_key, schema_resource_name, **kwargs)

Retrieves a schema that can be accessed using the specified connection.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • connection_key (str) – (required) The connection key.
  • schema_resource_name (str) – (required) The schema resource name used for retrieving schemas.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • endpoint_id (str) – (optional) Endpoint Id used for getDataAssetFullDetails.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Schema

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_schema API.

get_type(registry_id, type_key, **kwargs)

This endpoint retrieves dataAsset and connection attributes from DataAssetRegistry

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • type_key (str) – (required) key of the a specefic Type.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • fields (list[str]) – (optional) Specifies the fields to get for an object.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Type

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_type API.

get_work_request(work_request_id, **kwargs)

Gets the status of the work request with the given ID.

  • work_request_id (str) – (required) The ID of the asynchronous request.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type WorkRequest

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use get_work_request API.

list_connection_validations(registry_id, **kwargs)

Retrieves a list of connection validations within the specified registry.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • key (str) – (optional) Used to filter by the key of the object.
  • name (str) – (optional) Used to filter by the name of the object.
  • identifier (str) – (optional) Used to filter by the identifier of the object.
  • fields (list[str]) – (optional) Specifies the fields to get for an object.
  • page (str) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The value for this parameter is the opc-next-page or the opc-prev-page response header from the previous List call. See List Pagination.

  • limit (int) –

    (optional) Sets the maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated List call. See List Pagination.

  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) Specifies the field to sort by. Accepts only one field. By default, when you sort by time fields, results are shown in descending order. All other fields default to ascending order. Sorting related parameters are ignored when parameter query is present (search operation and sorting order is by relevance score in descending order).

    Allowed values are: “id”, “timeCreated”, “displayName”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) Specifies sort order to use, either ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • endpoint_id (str) – (optional) Endpoint Id used for getDataAssetFullDetails.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type ConnectionValidationSummaryCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_connection_validations API.

list_connections(registry_id, data_asset_key, **kwargs)

Retrieves a list of all connections.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • data_asset_key (str) – (required) Used to filter by the data asset key of the object.
  • name (str) – (optional) Used to filter by the name of the object.
  • page (str) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The value for this parameter is the opc-next-page or the opc-prev-page response header from the previous List call. See List Pagination.

  • limit (int) –

    (optional) Sets the maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated List call. See List Pagination.

  • fields (list[str]) – (optional) Specifies the fields to get for an object.
  • type (str) – (optional) Type of the object to filter the results with.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) Specifies the field to sort by. Accepts only one field. By default, when you sort by time fields, results are shown in descending order. All other fields default to ascending order. Sorting related parameters are ignored when parameter query is present (search operation and sorting order is by relevance score in descending order).

    Allowed values are: “id”, “timeCreated”, “displayName”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) Specifies sort order to use, either ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • favorites_query_param (str) –

    (optional) If value is FAVORITES_ONLY, then only objects marked as favorite by the requesting user will be included in result. If value is NON_FAVORITES_ONLY, then objects marked as favorites by the requesting user will be skipped. If value is ALL or if not specified, all objects, irrespective of favorites or not will be returned. Default is ALL.

    Allowed values are: “FAVORITES_ONLY”, “NON_FAVORITES_ONLY”, “ALL”

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type ConnectionSummaryCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_connections API.

list_data_assets(registry_id, **kwargs)

Retrieves a list of all data asset summaries.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • page (str) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The value for this parameter is the opc-next-page or the opc-prev-page response header from the previous List call. See List Pagination.

  • limit (int) –

    (optional) Sets the maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated List call. See List Pagination.

  • fields (list[str]) – (optional) Specifies the fields to get for an object.
  • include_types (list[str]) – (optional) DataAsset type which needs to be listed while listing dataAssets
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) Specifies the field to sort by. Accepts only one field. By default, when you sort by time fields, results are shown in descending order. All other fields default to ascending order. Sorting related parameters are ignored when parameter query is present (search operation and sorting order is by relevance score in descending order).

    Allowed values are: “id”, “timeCreated”, “displayName”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) Specifies sort order to use, either ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • name (str) – (optional) Used to filter by the name of the object.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • exclude_types (list[str]) – (optional) Types which wont be listed while listing dataAsset/Connection
  • favorites_query_param (str) –

    (optional) If value is FAVORITES_ONLY, then only objects marked as favorite by the requesting user will be included in result. If value is NON_FAVORITES_ONLY, then objects marked as favorites by the requesting user will be skipped. If value is ALL or if not specified, all objects, irrespective of favorites or not will be returned. Default is ALL.

    Allowed values are: “FAVORITES_ONLY”, “NON_FAVORITES_ONLY”, “ALL”

  • folder_id (str) – (optional) Unique key of the folder.
  • endpoint_ids (list[str]) – (optional) Endpoint Ids used for data-plane APIs to filter or prefer specific endpoint.
  • exclude_endpoint_ids (list[str]) – (optional) Endpoints which will be excluded while listing dataAssets
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type DataAssetSummaryCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_data_assets API.

list_data_entities(registry_id, connection_key, schema_resource_name, **kwargs)

Lists a summary of data entities from the data asset using the specified connection.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • connection_key (str) – (required) The connection key.
  • schema_resource_name (str) – (required) The schema resource name used for retrieving schemas.
  • name (str) – (optional) Used to filter by the name of the object.
  • page (str) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The value for this parameter is the opc-next-page or the opc-prev-page response header from the previous List call. See List Pagination.

  • type (str) – (optional) Type of the object to filter the results with.
  • limit (int) –

    (optional) Sets the maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated List call. See List Pagination.

  • fields (list[str]) – (optional) Specifies the fields to get for an object.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) Specifies the field to sort by. Accepts only one field. By default, when you sort by time fields, results are shown in descending order. All other fields default to ascending order. Sorting related parameters are ignored when parameter query is present (search operation and sorting order is by relevance score in descending order).

    Allowed values are: “id”, “timeCreated”, “displayName”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) Specifies sort order to use, either ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • api_mode (str) –

    (optional) This parameter can be used to set the api response type to preview.

    Allowed values are: “PREVIEW”, “ALL”

  • name_list (list[str]) – (optional) Used to filter by the name of the object.
  • is_pattern (bool) – (optional) This parameter can be used to specify whether entity search type is pattern search or not.
  • endpoint_id (str) – (optional) Endpoint Id used for getDataAssetFullDetails.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type DataEntitySummaryCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_data_entities API.

list_endpoints(compartment_id, **kwargs)

Returns a list of Data Connectivity Management Endpoints.

  • compartment_id (str) – (required) The OCID of the compartment containing the resources you want to list.
  • registry_id (str) – (optional) DCMS registry id
  • name (str) – (optional) Used to filter by the name of the object.
  • limit (int) –

    (optional) Sets the maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated List call. See List Pagination.

  • page (str) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The value for this parameter is the opc-next-page or the opc-prev-page response header from the previous List call. See List Pagination.

  • lifecycle_state (str) –

    (optional) Lifecycle state of the resource.


  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) Specifies sort order to use, either ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) This parameter allows users to specify a sort field. Default sort order is the descending order of timeCreated (most recently created objects at the top). Sorting related parameters are ignored when parameter query is present (search operation and sorting order is by relevance score in descending order).


  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type EndpointSummaryCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_endpoints API.

list_folders(registry_id, **kwargs)

Retrieves a list of all folders.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • name (str) – (optional) Used to filter by the name of the object.
  • page (str) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The value for this parameter is the opc-next-page or the opc-prev-page response header from the previous List call. See List Pagination.

  • limit (int) –

    (optional) Sets the maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated List call. See List Pagination.

  • fields (list[str]) – (optional) Specifies the fields to get for an object.
  • type (str) – (optional) Type of the object to filter the results with.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) Specifies the field to sort by. Accepts only one field. By default, when you sort by time fields, results are shown in descending order. All other fields default to ascending order. Sorting related parameters are ignored when parameter query is present (search operation and sorting order is by relevance score in descending order).

    Allowed values are: “id”, “timeCreated”, “displayName”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) Specifies sort order to use, either ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • favorites_query_param (str) –

    (optional) If value is FAVORITES_ONLY, then only objects marked as favorite by the requesting user will be included in result. If value is NON_FAVORITES_ONLY, then objects marked as favorites by the requesting user will be skipped. If value is ALL or if not specified, all objects, irrespective of favorites or not will be returned. Default is ALL.

    Allowed values are: “FAVORITES_ONLY”, “NON_FAVORITES_ONLY”, “ALL”

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type FolderSummaryCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_folders API.

list_operations(registry_id, connection_key, schema_resource_name, **kwargs)

Lists the summary of operations present in the schema identified by schema name.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • connection_key (str) – (required) The connection key.
  • schema_resource_name (str) – (required) The schema resource name used for retrieving schemas.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • name (str) – (optional) Used to filter by the name of the object.
  • page (str) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The value for this parameter is the opc-next-page or the opc-prev-page response header from the previous List call. See List Pagination.

  • limit (int) –

    (optional) Sets the maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated List call. See List Pagination.

  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) Specifies the field to sort by. Accepts only one field. By default, when you sort by time fields, results are shown in descending order. All other fields default to ascending order. Sorting related parameters are ignored when parameter query is present (search operation and sorting order is by relevance score in descending order).

    Allowed values are: “id”, “timeCreated”, “displayName”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) Specifies sort order to use, either ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • endpoint_id (str) – (optional) Endpoint Id used for getDataAssetFullDetails.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type OperationSummaryCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_operations API.

list_reference_artifacts(registry_id, dcms_artifact_id, **kwargs)

Retrieves a list of all reference info of a dcms artifact.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • dcms_artifact_id (str) – (required) The ID of a dcms artifact (DataAsset or Endpoint).
  • page (str) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The value for this parameter is the opc-next-page or the opc-prev-page response header from the previous List call. See List Pagination.

  • limit (int) –

    (optional) Sets the maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated List call. See List Pagination.

  • fields (list[str]) – (optional) Specifies the fields to get for an object.
  • type (str) – (optional) Type of the object to filter the results with.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) Specifies the field to sort by. Accepts only one field. By default, when you sort by time fields, results are shown in descending order. All other fields default to ascending order. Sorting related parameters are ignored when parameter query is present (search operation and sorting order is by relevance score in descending order).

    Allowed values are: “id”, “timeCreated”, “displayName”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) Specifies sort order to use, either ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • name (str) – (optional) Used to filter by the name of the object.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • exclude_types (list[str]) – (optional) Types which wont be listed while listing dataAsset/Connection
  • favorites_query_param (str) –

    (optional) If value is FAVORITES_ONLY, then only objects marked as favorite by the requesting user will be included in result. If value is NON_FAVORITES_ONLY, then objects marked as favorites by the requesting user will be skipped. If value is ALL or if not specified, all objects, irrespective of favorites or not will be returned. Default is ALL.

    Allowed values are: “FAVORITES_ONLY”, “NON_FAVORITES_ONLY”, “ALL”

  • service_artifact_id (str) – (optional) Unique key of the service.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type ReferenceArtifactSummaryCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_reference_artifacts API.

list_registries(compartment_id, **kwargs)

Returns a list of Data Connectivity Management Registries.

  • compartment_id (str) – (required) The OCID of the compartment containing the resources you want to list.
  • name (str) – (optional) Used to filter by the name of the object.
  • limit (int) –

    (optional) Sets the maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated List call. See List Pagination.

  • page (str) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The value for this parameter is the opc-next-page or the opc-prev-page response header from the previous List call. See List Pagination.

  • is_deep_lookup (bool) – (optional) This parameter allows list registries to deep look at whole tenancy.
  • lifecycle_state (str) –

    (optional) Lifecycle state of the resource.


  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type RegistrySummaryCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_registries API.

list_schemas(registry_id, connection_key, **kwargs)

Retrieves a list of all the schemas that can be accessed using the specified connection.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • connection_key (str) – (required) The connection key.
  • page (str) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The value for this parameter is the opc-next-page or the opc-prev-page response header from the previous List call. See List Pagination.

  • limit (int) –

    (optional) Sets the maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated List call. See List Pagination.

  • fields (list[str]) – (optional) Specifies the fields to get for an object.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) Specifies the field to sort by. Accepts only one field. By default, when you sort by time fields, results are shown in descending order. All other fields default to ascending order. Sorting related parameters are ignored when parameter query is present (search operation and sorting order is by relevance score in descending order).

    Allowed values are: “id”, “timeCreated”, “displayName”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) Specifies sort order to use, either ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • schema_resource_key (str) – (optional) Schema resource name used for retrieving schemas.
  • name (str) – (optional) Used to filter by the name of the object.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • name_list (list[str]) – (optional) Used to filter by the name of the object.
  • endpoint_id (str) – (optional) Endpoint Id used for getDataAssetFullDetails.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type SchemaSummaryCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_schemas API.

list_types(registry_id, **kwargs)

This endpoint retrieves list of all the supported connector types

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • page (str) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The value for this parameter is the opc-next-page or the opc-prev-page response header from the previous List call. See List Pagination.

  • limit (int) –

    (optional) Sets the maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated List call. See List Pagination.

  • type (str) – (optional) Type of the object to filter the results with.
  • sort_by (str) –

    (optional) Specifies the field to sort by. Accepts only one field. By default, when you sort by time fields, results are shown in descending order. All other fields default to ascending order. Sorting related parameters are ignored when parameter query is present (search operation and sorting order is by relevance score in descending order).

    Allowed values are: “id”, “timeCreated”, “displayName”

  • sort_order (str) –

    (optional) Specifies sort order to use, either ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

    Allowed values are: “ASC”, “DESC”

  • name (str) – (optional) Used to filter by the name of the object.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type TypesSummaryCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_types API.

list_work_request_errors(work_request_id, **kwargs)

Return a (paginated) list of errors for a given work request.

  • work_request_id (str) – (required) The ID of the asynchronous request.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • page (str) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The value for this parameter is the opc-next-page or the opc-prev-page response header from the previous List call. See List Pagination.

  • limit (int) –

    (optional) Sets the maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated List call. See List Pagination.

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type WorkRequestErrorCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_work_request_errors API.

list_work_request_logs(work_request_id, **kwargs)

Return a (paginated) list of logs for a given work request.

  • work_request_id (str) – (required) The ID of the asynchronous request.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • page (str) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The value for this parameter is the opc-next-page or the opc-prev-page response header from the previous List call. See List Pagination.

  • limit (int) –

    (optional) Sets the maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated List call. See List Pagination.

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type WorkRequestLogCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_work_request_logs API.

list_work_requests(compartment_id, **kwargs)

Lists the work requests in a compartment.

  • compartment_id (str) – (required) The OCID of the compartment containing the resources you want to list.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • resource_id (str) – (optional) DCMS registry or endpoint id
  • work_request_status (str) –

    (optional) Work Request status.


  • page (str) –

    (optional) For list pagination. The value for this parameter is the opc-next-page or the opc-prev-page response header from the previous List call. See List Pagination.

  • limit (int) –

    (optional) Sets the maximum number of results per page, or items to return in a paginated List call. See List Pagination.

  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type WorkRequestSummaryCollection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use list_work_requests API.

update_connection(registry_id, connection_key, update_connection_details, **kwargs)

Updates a connection under a data asset.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • connection_key (str) – (required) The connection key.
  • update_connection_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.UpdateConnectionDetails) – (required) The information needed to update a connection.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Connection

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use update_connection API.

update_data_asset(registry_id, data_asset_key, update_data_asset_details, **kwargs)

Updates a specific data asset with default connection.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • data_asset_key (str) – (required) The data asset key.
  • update_data_asset_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.UpdateDataAssetDetails) – (required) The information needed to update a data asset.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type DataAsset

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use update_data_asset API.

update_endpoint(endpoint_id, update_endpoint_details, **kwargs)

Updates the Data Connectivity Management Endpoint

  • endpoint_id (str) – (required) DCMS Endpoint id
  • update_endpoint_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.UpdateEndpointDetails) – (required) The information to be updated.
  • registry_id (str) – (optional) DCMS registry id
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Endpoint

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use update_endpoint API.

update_folder(registry_id, folder_key, update_folder_details, **kwargs)

Updates a folder under a specefied registry.

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • folder_key (str) – (required) The folder ID.
  • update_folder_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.UpdateFolderDetails) – (required) The information needed to update a folder.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Folder

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use update_folder API.

update_registry(registry_id, update_registry_details, **kwargs)

Updates the Data Connectivity Management Registry

  • registry_id (str) – (required) The registry Ocid.
  • update_registry_details (oci.data_connectivity.models.UpdateRegistryDetails) – (required) The information to be updated.
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type Registry

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use update_registry API.

validate_data_asset_network_reachablity(endpoint_id, **kwargs)

Validates the dataAsset network Reachability.

  • endpoint_id (str) – (required) DCMS Endpoint id
  • if_match (str) – (optional) For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value. When ‘if-match’ is provided and its value does not exactly match the ‘etag’ of the resource on the server, the request fails with the 412 response code.
  • opc_request_id (str) – (optional) Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.
  • opc_retry_token (str) – (optional) A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again.
  • registry_id (str) – (optional) DCMS registry id
  • retry_strategy (obj) –

    (optional) A retry strategy to apply to this specific operation/call. This will override any retry strategy set at the client-level.

    This should be one of the strategies available in the retry module. This operation will not retry by default, users can also use the convenient DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY provided by the SDK to enable retries for it. The specifics of the default retry strategy are described here.

    To have this operation explicitly not perform any retries, pass an instance of NoneRetryStrategy.

  • allow_control_chars (bool) – (optional) allow_control_chars is a boolean to indicate whether or not this request should allow control characters in the response object. By default, the response will not allow control characters in strings

A Response object with data of type None

Return type:



Click here to see an example of how to use validate_data_asset_network_reachablity API.